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Coming Up at KMS

This Shabbat, February 7-8: KMS and YISE welcome Rav Meir Goldwicht.

· 8:30 pm: Friday Night OnegThe Secret, Uniqueness, and Essence of Tu B'Shvat. At the Weinberg home.

· Following the YISE Hashkama Minyan: The Spiritual Response to Our Enemies (in Hebrew; Youth Room Behind the Balcony)

· YISE Sephardi Minyan Drasha: The Spiritual Response to Our Enemies (Large Beis Medrash)

· Following the 8:45/9:15 YISE Minyanim: The Spiritual Response to Our Enemies (Social Hall)

· 4:00 pm: Women’s Shiur: Raising Happy and Successful Children and Grandchildren. At the Broder home, 11801 Clintwood Place.

· Between Mincha/Maariv at KMS: The Secret of Prayer in Times of Sadness and Happiness. See flyer here.


This Shabbat AND Next Shabbat (Two-Part Series) February 8 & 15, After 7am Minyan (Approx. 8:35am): Rabbi Dr. Jesse Abelman: “How G-d Touches the World: Miracles, Divine Providence, and Revelation in the Thought of Rambam, Ralbag, and Ramban in Beshalach and Yitro”

This Motzei Shabbat, 2/8, 8pm: Guest Speaker, Noa Lea Cohn: Haredi Women Artists: Challenging Stereotypes. (Beit Midrash) See flyer here.

This Tuesday, February 11, 11:00 am: Tuesdays Together with Sara Wolkenfeld at KMS. “How Busy is Too Busy? An Ancient Question for Modern Times.” Light refreshments will be served.

Sunday, February 23, 7:00 pm: Bonei Olam of GW presents “A Time to Plant” at KMS—free admission for men and women of the community. Co-sponsored by KMS and other community institutions.  Support the campaign at See flyer here for details.

Motzei Shabbat, March 1, 8:00 pm: Getting to Know You! at KMS. “Speed Meet” new friends and hang out with old ones over light food, drinks, and fun. Open to new and longtime members alike (21+). Register here. One form per person (not per pair/couple).

Shabbat, March 7-8: Shabbat Iyyun with GPATS, Graduate Program in Advanced Studies for Women. Featuring Dr. Nechama Price and three GPATS students. Stay tuned for details.





KMS Youth

Welcome to our 2024-2025 teen board! See flyer here.

This Motzei Shabbat, February 8, 7:15 pm: Parent-Child Learning. Every other week in the YBM, for grades 1-5. Guided parasha learning, games & prizes, and pizza. Click here to sponsor a week. See flyer here.

Please note the revised dates for upcoming sessions of parent-child learning: February 8, February 22, March 8

Monday, February 17, 1:00-3:00 pm: Presidents’ Day Craft & Movie for 1st-5th graders at KMS. See flyer here.

Shabbat, February 22, 4:20 pm: Bnei Akiva Snif at KMS.

Shabbat, February 22, Between Mincha/Maariv: Teen Shabbat Mevarchim Shiur.

Shabbat, March 8, 4:30 pm: Bnei Akiva Snif.

Join our KMS Teen Whatsapp group here | Bnei Akiva Parents Whatsapp 





KMS Marketplace

Please consider purchasing from these vendors: 

Sat, February 8 2025 10 Shevat 5785