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Shabbat Programming for Youth


With a full range of programming for all ages, Kemp Mill Synagogue will keep your children entertained and engaged throughout services and special events.

Shabbat Club

In Shabbat Club, our program for 4-year old nursery kids and kindergarteners, children are introduced to basic Shabbat Tefillot, learn about the weekly parsha, and have fun through activities such as parsha charades, stories, and prize tickets.  Shabbat Club allows children at this curious age to feel like the big 
kids that they are, but also encourages them to continue learning through games and activities.

Aleph Bets

The Aleph-Bets, for first and second graders, provides an opportunity for children to become more involved in Tefilla by volunteering to lead different parts and choosing the tunes.  In addition to expanding the range of davening, the service includes taking out the Torah and reciting prayers for Israel, peace, soldiers, and those who are sick.  After Tefillot and songs, the children gather for parsha time and snack. The parsha is experienced through discussions, stories, skits, games, and—our group specialty—
building awesome models with blocks and Legos.  Most weeks, the children have time for supervised free play, in the playground on nice days, or with toys in the room

Junior Congregation

Junior Congregation, for third through fifth graders, starts with Tefillah led by members of the group.  Davening includes a significant portion of the Shacharit and Mussaf service, after which there is parsha discussion and games. Weather permitting, and for those who are interested, there is an opportunity for 
supervised free play time outside, followed by Kiddush.  Children earn tickets for participation, which they can redeem for prizes during a Sunday morning activity.  In addition, Junior Congregation has a “Schmooze and D’var Torah” program in which there is a monthly guest presenter and a special Kiddush 
on Shabbat Mevarchim Hachodesh.

Youth Minyanim

The role of the KMS Youth Minyan is to provide KMS teens with the experience and responsibility of creating a vibrant, exciting, and inclusive Modern Orthodox community of their own, within the context of, and interacting with, the general community.  Teens organize and run a weekly Friday night ruach minyan, 
Shabbat morning minyan, and weekday minyanim on Sundays and other days with no school.  Guided by Rabbi Levitt, older teen mentors, and experienced community members, teens lead davening and layning, deliver thoughtful divrei Torah, organize out-of-shul social events, and organize their own Youth Kiddushim independently.

Sat, May 4 2024 26 Nisan 5784